Ногу свело — Самые очаровательные стюардессы на авиалиниях «Ногу свело»

I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an airways.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airways.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an aircraft.
I am the stuardess - princess of an aircraft.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

Ногу свело - список песен по алфавиту
Ногу свело - список песен по альбомам
Просмотров: 332